Owensboro Salon to Offer Free Back to School Haircuts
The back-to-school checklist is a long one, isn't it? School supplies, clothing, incidentals. It all adds up and makes for busy schedules.
And then there's the financial factor.
Well, let me ease that little worry, a bit, by telling you that Style Bella on Halifax Drive in Owensboro is offering FREE haircuts this Monday!
Dry cut and walk-in only! (Very important info.)
Your child, ages K-12th grade, will be able to get the look they want for back to school Monday afternoon from 1PM until 6PM.
There will be additional goodies like free popcorn and drinks while you wait. (You don't want to be drinking anything while you're getting your hair cut, needless to say.)
So make plans to bring your child (or bring yourself, if you're of driving age) to Style Bella this Monday.
Nine stylists will be waiting to give you the look YOU want for back to school!
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