Owensboro’s Getting Real Fall Weather…And It’s Fall
Yes, we've gotten to the point--12:16PM, October 1st, 2019--where we celebrate the arrival of fall weather...MORE THAN A WEEK INTO FALL.
I'm not kidding.
This hot summer weather stretching into October has actually kind of thrown me off. I'm in shorts and light-weight golf shirt, right now, while my sweaters, long-sleeve shirts, and hoodies are in the closet wondering what's going on.
Right now, my phone says it's 91 degrees. The projected high is in the upper 90s.
Same story for tomorrow (Wednesday).
All I can say is, "This has got to stop."
Well...it will, and soon, according to Eyewitness News.
But it looks like it will happen gradually, as we can't look forward to highs in the 70s until Friday.
But, hey, if the fall-weather worm is gonna turn, Friday is perfect for such a development.
Look at that Friday night low. Just one tick from the 40s.
I only hope those four days, BEGINNING with Friday, during which the highs will also be in the 70s is a sign of real fall weather arriving and staying.
October is my favorite month...NOT because of the off-chance that it might hit NINETY-SIX DEGREES.
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