Possible Sausage Contamination Leads to Johnsonville Recall
If you have any Johnsonville smoked sausage products hangin' out in your refrigerator, take a closer look at them.
More than 100,000 pounds of the stuff have been recalled due to the possibility of foreign matter contamination.
But, hang on, because the sausages in question are very specific. We're talking about, and I quote (from the Johnsonville company itself):
"14-oz. plastic packages containing 6 pieces of “JALAPEÑO CHEDDAR Smoked Sausage” with Best By date 04/04/2018 and Batch ID 1001124486 or 1001124487."
Also, these products have the establishment number 34224 inside their USDA inspection marks.
I don't have any of that product, but it DOES sound like something I might buy because it sounds delicious.
Three consumers complained after finding pieces of hard, green plastic in their sausage. Never good.
If you have any such sausages, either throw them away or return them to the place of purchase and if you have any questions about the recall you can call or text the Johnsonville Consumer Relations hotline at 1-888-556-2728.