You Can See Seven States from One North Georgia Location…Including Kentucky
Have you ever driven to Florida by way of Interstates 65 and 24 through Tennessee? If you have, there's no doubt in my mind you have seen at least one sign SOMEWHERE that says "See Rock City."
To be fair, I haven't traveled I-24 in a very long time, but I'm sure they're still there, because Rock City is still there. It's on Lookout Mountain in north Georgia, part of the Chattanooga metropolitan area. I saw those signs so many times when I was a kid and we never stopped. But in 1992, on a trip to Atlanta to visit a friend, I had some extra time and decided I was going to see Rock City. (I'm sure those barns got tired of imploring.)
Despite my mild acrophobia issues, I rode up the mountain and had a wonderful time. It's breathtaking...and all I have are memories. That was back in the age of snapshots and I can't find them anywhere. Thankfully, we have services like YouTube to jog the old memory banks.
One unique feature of Lookout Mountain is how you can actually see SEVEN states from that location--Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Virginia. It's truly amazing, considering the fact that South Carolina is 80 miles from that point, Kentucky and Virginia are 120 miles away. Just stand at the famed Seven States Stone and you'll see what I mean. Fast forward to the 8:19 mark to see it:
And don't miss Ruby Falls when you go. There's a lot of barn signs for that one, too. (Again, it's been a while since I've been down I-24; are the signs still on barns?)
It's really one of the most gorgeous tourist attractions in the country and it's not very far away at all--about four hours from Owensboro. If you leave early enough on a Saturday, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy this beautiful landmark.
Spring is not too far away, but who knows? You might wake up one winter morning to a surprisingly nice day. We've had plenty of them this year.
Have a safe trip and take lots of pictures.