Shawn Boone’s Helpful and Hilarious Tips for Flip Flop Season
This is absolutely hilarious. My buddy Shawn Boone decided recently that Facebook was the best way to share his helpful (and hysterical) advice for the upcoming flip flop season. Check out his simple tips on how to determine if your feet are flip flop and sandal-ready. But beware! There are a couple of foods you may never eat again because of the way Shawn uses them in his descriptions. LOL!
Shawn's friend Sara Coots got in on the action too by sharing a delightful "self-help" video. I feel I should issue this disclaimer, though I think it speaks for itself. Do NOT try this at home . . . or in a garage . . . or anywhere.
Now, I'll be happy to confess that, for much of my life, I suffered from "dry Frosted Flake" condition myself. I have perpetually dry skin anyway and winter was torture on my feet. However, a few years back I found an excellent remedy. And, to this day, every single morning . . . I "Silence of the Lambs" my feet. I constantly rub the lotion on my skin.
Okey dokey! I think, between Shawn and Sara and me, we have shared plenty of helpful tips and advice on getting those hooves ready for flip flop season! As LOCASH says, "Here comes summer!" So, let's start getting ready for it now, shall we?
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