Sully the Newfie, Owensboro’s Gentle Giant (GALLERY)
Angel here and I decided to grab coffee at The Creme on Saturday afternoon. I had no idea I would meet the most unforgettable face I had ever seen. Y'ALL meet Sully!
How I Met Sully
Sully is a four-year-old Newfoundland breed from Owensboro and he is what I would like to call a gentle giant. He literally met me almost face to face as I walked toward my delicious frozen coffee. He stopped me in my tracks and I had to know more. You would think a boy this big would be all over the place but he was just taking in the scenery of downtown with his owner, Allen.
I remember what my momma taught me as a child before you ever approach a dog you ask the owner, and then you proceed with caution. Sully strutted right on over and I knelt down to pet him and he swiped my face with his big ole' tongue. He sat beside me and we even got a picture.
All About Newfoundland Breeds
According to AKC.org:
The Newfie breed standard says that a sweet temperament is the “most important single characteristic of the breed.” The Newf’s sterling character is expressed in their affinity for kids. Trusting and trainable, Newfs respond well to gentle guidance. These noble giants are among the world’s biggest dogs, and acquiring a pet that could outweigh you comes with obvious challenges.
I asked Allen how much he weighed, 165 pounds, by the way, and he told me he is super laid back. After doing a little research I have learned Great Danes and Mastiffs are among the world's largest breeds. Newfoundlands made the top 35.
The males can reach up to 150 pounds, apparently, Sully is an overachiever.
Sully's Family
Here's what Gina, Sully's momma had to say about the King family's love for big dogs, especially Sully:
The King family is all about their big dogs.
We’ve had a huge Siberia Husky (larger than normal)
A Norwegian Elkhound – more medium size
And two Great Pyrenees dogs
Sully is by far the biggest.
We got him as a puppy from a dealer in Louisville Ky with all his papers.
He’s three years old and weighs appx 165 lbs
I think most of that is in his head!
He’s slow moving unless he sees a rabbit or squirrel and then he’s surprisingly fast.
Despite his size, he’s very good with other animals and children – he’s never meet a stranger
One of the pictures I sent was AK with him at The Pub bar on 9th street – they let AK bring Sully in and he basically lays like a rug.
AK takes him most everywhere he goes and he’s pretty well behaved.
He does love to swim which is true to their breed and AK takes him to lakes and such most days
What You Need To Know Before You Get A Newfie
With all this said, Sully's momma, Gina, told me before you own a Newfie there are things you need to know. They are amazing dogs but come with a cost literally:
- Vet bills are not cheap. Try triple a normal size dog.
- They drool and not like a little bit like a river and always.
- They don't know their own size and can knock you out.
- They shed.
- Say goodbye to a clean house ever again.
- You can't just have one LOL
I have to say even after reading all those things we need to know I would love to have a Newfie. Maybe when the kids have grown and are out of the house Joe and I can get one. It will be perfect for the grandkids and a wonderful companion for us in our older age.
If you meet Sully, ask first but give him a big hug I promise it will make your day.
Sully the Newfie, Owensboro's Gentle Giant (GALLERY)
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