Have you lived in Owensboro all your life, or just moved to town and want to support local businesses? Many locally owned bakery businesses and at-home bakers sell all types of baked goods, from cakes and bread to cupcakes and cookies. Today we spotlight those kings and queens of the kitchen!


Local businesses are essential to any town. They create jobs, give back to build a stronger community, and are our neighbors. We'll do our best to find and showcase local businesses in this new series. It's unintentional if you've been left off the list. Let us know so we can add it.

Have you always wanted to start a small business? Is Kentucky a great place to fulfill your entrepreneurial dreams? According to a new study on the Most Tax-Friendly States to Start a Small Business, it is indeed. READ MORE HERE


Don't forget you can support many of these local bakers at the Owensboro Regional Farmer's Market.

The Owensboro Regional Farmers' Market
The Owensboro Regional Farmers' Market


Support Local Series: Spotlight on Bakeries in Owensboro

Many locally owned bakery businesses and at-home bakers sell all types of baked goods, from cakes and bread to cupcakes and cookies. Today we spotlight those kings and queens of the kitchen! Click on the business title to see what they offer, hours, etc.

Gallery Credit: Barb Birgy

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Here are the top 25 states with the lowest cost of living in 2022, using data Stacker culled from the Council for Community and Economic Research.

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