Who's Road Tripping to KY's First Publix When It Opens This Week?Who's Road Tripping to KY's First Publix When It Opens This Week?Florida supermarket chain Publix generates excitement every time one opens. The first of three Kentucky stores will open this week in Louisville.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Publix Supermarket Chain Has New Website Just for KY ShoppersPublix Supermarket Chain Has New Website Just for KY ShoppersPublix Supermarket knows the kind of excitement it generates when it opens a new location.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Three Publix Stores Coming to KYThree Publix Stores Coming to KYGround has been broken on the first of three Publix Supermarkets coming to Kentucky.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Covenient Supermarket U-Scans Could Be Creeping Into ObscurityCovenient Supermarket U-Scans Could Be Creeping Into ObscurityI go to Kroger. And I love the U-Scan--you know, the device that lets you check yourself out. They have similar self-service at Wal-mart. It's convenient. It's fast. And, sometimes...it's a nuisance.Dave SpencerDave Spencer