So many holiday traditions start cropping up while we're still wearing shorts. Hobby Lobby, for example, is already decked out for Christmas.

If we were still getting Sears Christmas catalogues, we'd already have them.

And, then, the most lucrative of all early signs of the coming holiday season--stores announcing they're hiring extra help for Christmas.

And it always seems like Target is one of the first out of the gate to do it.

2018 will be no exception, as the retail giant has announced it will add about 120,000 employees to its workforce to accommodate expected heavier traffic during the coming holidays.

CNBC reports that that's actually a 20% increase over last year.

Take THAT, online shopping.

Now, of course, these are temporary hires, naturally, but they're welcome opportunities for folks who need a little extra money to get through the Christmas shopping season, or just in general.

CNBC goes on to say that the starting hourly wage for these new workers will be $12. The hire will also come with a 10% discount and a 20% discount on what's termed "wellness merchandise," like exercise equipment and food products like fruits and vegetables.

But that's not all.

Target plans to allot $2 million to its worker appreciation program just for seasonal workers.

If you're interested, Target will conduct hiring events at all their stores from October 12th through the 14th.

Good luck!

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