Several days ago I was at the station and I noticed Chad's truck was here and it had something very interesting sitting under the tire.  It was a container of cottage cheese.   After I went inside to get a couple things I came back out and decided to do something about the cottage cheese.  So I put it in the bed of his truck. 


For those of you who don't know... Chad absolutely HATES cottage cheese.  I had completely forgot about putting it in there until Chad brought it up yesterday.  He said "DID YOU DO THIS."  I followed up with "OH YEAH! I completely forgot!" He was hauling hauling furniture around and while he was dragging his new buffet for the kitchen into the bed of the truck... there it was staring him in the face.

It would have been one thing if it was just an empty container.. but it was full.  And props to whoever put it under his tire in the first place.

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