The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides in Kentucky and the U.S.
The time has likely come for massive meal planning across this great land of ours. Seriously, aren't you thinking about the Thanksgiving Day menu?
In my family, we don't usually have to think. Our menu doesn't change very much at all, year after year.
Of course, we have the turkey (I know there are those who do ham, but that's always a Christmas or Easter thing for me) and dressing. And I'll tell ya...we got away from homemade a few years ago once we realized how good store-bought stuffing mix is. We have the sweet potatoes smothered in marshmallows and cinnamon, so, yeah, it could really be a dessert. Green bean casserole is a must and so is corn pudding--we've always called it corn pudding, but I do know that some call it corn casserole. Oh and rolls and, of course, gravy for anything you want smothered in gravy. Bring on the GRAVY.
And yes, there's cranberry sauce. And that is ALL for my nephew. It's fine as the base for cranberry salad (with the pecans, crushed pineapple, and some kind of red Jello). But on its own? Gross.
Zippia.com has analyzed Google searches from around the country and come up with a map of the favorite Thanksgiving side dishes in each state. I guess we're a weird family, since the top two choices don't appear on our Thanksgiving table.
Honestly, we've never even considered mac and cheese. And, I'm not sure why we've never had mashed potatoes, but the meal is already so carb-heavy, we'd feel like we ate a UPS truck.
Now, take a look at Kentucky's favorite. No other state is singing the praises of broccoli casserole as a Thanksgiving side but the Bluegrass State. It's certainly never been a part of OUR meal. Never even thought about having it. Don't get me wrong; I like it. But it doesn't say "Thanksgiving" to me
Also, after looking at the map, maybe I need to get invited to Thanksgiving dinner in Indiana. I can polish off deviled eggs like there is no tomorrow.
Well, good Lord, now I'm hungry.
Bon appetit!

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