This Year’s Empty Bowls Fundraiser Will Be a Drive-Thru Event
The 2020 Empty Bowls event is now set for Saturday, October 10th and will be held at Independence Bank's main office at 2425 Frederica Street. According to an official release from organizers, "the drive-thru lanes at the bank will be open and pre-packaged soups will be available for pick-up."
Tickets for Empty Bowls 2020 go on sale Monday, August 3rd at Allstate- 1210 Burlew Boulevard here in Owensboro. Advance tickets are $15 and can be picked up at the office. You are just asked to comply with public health recommendations and wear a mask when you visit to get one.
Speaking of those public health recommendations, all of the Commonwealth's Healthy at Work initiatives and suggestions will be employed on the day of the Empty Bowls drive-thru event.
Last year's event raised an impressive $9000 for Our Lady of Lourdes' Backpack Program at Seven Hills Preschool. All proceeds from this year's event will benefit Feed a Friend. Feed a Friend resides in the former Zion United Church of Christ here in town and serves meals twice a week- on Wednesday nights and Friday nights. The numbers of people served annually are astounding, with roughly 10,000 area residents fed through a combination the community dinners and Feed a Friend's food pantry.
To supplement funds raised by ticket sales for the Empty Bowls drive-thru, the committee is also accepting silent auction donations and gift baskets. If you can donate you are asked to reach out to Empty Bowls at emptybowlsowensboroky@gmail.com.

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