September is National Baby Safety Month and Walmart will be doing its part during the last half of the month.

According to LEX18-Lexington, the retail giant will be offering $30 gift cards to those who bring in their old car seats to be recycled.

It's Walmart's first ever car seat recycling event and will begin on September 16th and run through the 30th.

LEX-18 spoke with the CEO of TerraCycle, the company that will do the recycling, and he said that car seats that have traditionally not been able to be recycled are NOW recyclable through the Walmart Car Seat Recycling Program.

During the event, just bring your car seat to the customer service counter to be recycled and then you'll receive your $30 gift card.

You'll be limited to two car seats per household and any car seat brand will be accepted.

Booster seats, however, are not eligible.


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