Six months after a devastating tornado swept through Western Kentucky, residents are still trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. Owensboro storm chaser Christopher Conley is sharing drone footage showing how much has been accomplished along with the damage that remains. Here's a bird's eye view of Bremen, Princeton, and Dawson Springs, Kentucky.

Princeton Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones
Princeton Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones

After deadly tornadoes hit Western Kentucky on December 10, 2021, residents in Bremen, Princeton, and Dawson Springs were left to pick up the pieces. Families lost everything from their homes, vehicles, barns, belongings, and even important documents. With great sadness, reports began to emerge that 25 beautiful souls lost their lives after the historically-long tornado tore apart these rural communities. It was hard to comprehend how they'll even begin to rebuild after so much loss at that time. It could take years to recover from the devastation that the tornado left in its wake. Much progress has been made as our thoughts and prayers continue.

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Christopher Conley
Christopher Conley

When bad weather is due to hit the tri-state, my friend Christopher Conley, with his pup Trigger, goes into storm chaser mode. He works with local news outlets to report what's happening in the skies to help keep people safe. Just days after the tornado struck, Chris who's the owner of 270 Drones Aerial Imagery, took his drone over Bremen, Princeton, and Dawson Springs, Kentucky to survey the damage. What he shared at that time was nothing short of catastrophic. Now, he's sharing the progress that has been made 6 months later. There's still so much work to be done, and help is still needed.

Dawson Springs Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones
Dawson Springs Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones

Thank you for documenting the progress. I look forward to the day that we are all rebuilt. - Skyler Hughes

"This drone footage is from December 12th, 2021, and yesterday. It’s all-new stuff. It really shows how much has been done.", Chris enthusiastically shared

This video is incredible to watch. Chris perfectly shows how things look at each location from days after the tornado, and how far those locations have come today. It's both heartbreaking and inspirational. The footage will be something to look back on for decades to come. It gives me chill bumps, and I think it will for you too!

Bremen Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones
Bremen Six Months After December 2021 Tornado - 270 Drones

"At the 3:28 mark, you’ll see families sifting through the ruins. The guy on the right lost his mom. So wild to see him walking on the slab of his mom's house then all the debris disappears. I watched him just walking aimlessly at times looking for anything.", he went on to share

Dawson Springs Days After December Tornado - 270 Drones Aerial Imagery
Dawson Springs Days After December Tornado - 270 Drones Aerial Imagery

Princeton, Bremen, Dawson Springs Six Months After Devastating Tornado

"This is hard to put into words. Trigger and I have been working on this project for almost 6 months. We're halfway through a year-long project to show the rebuilding efforts and recovery throughout western KY.", Chris shared.

Such a relief to see houses being built back in Dawson Springs. Life is popping up everywhere! God has been in these communities and is still working in these communities! Please pray for all the families that were in the Dec. 10, 2021 tornado, their lives will forever be changed! Moving forward is the best thing that can happen to them! Many suffer from fear PTSD and other mental and physical problems! All we can do is pray for them! Thank You for the video! - Arlene Wyatt

Dramatic Drone Footage Captures Tornado Aftermath in Bremen & Dawson Springs, Kentucky

Local Tri-State tornado chaser Christopher Conley captures heartbreaking and gut-wrenching photos from his drone. Photos reflect devastation in both Bremen, KY, and Dawson Springs, KY. We in this area are so thankful for Chris as he ensures community members remain safe during the storms.

Princeton, Bremen, Dawson Springs 30 Days After December Tornado
Here's a look back at the footage from 270 Drones Aerial Imagery just 30 days after the tornado swept through these rural communities.

"Today Trigger and went along the damage path in west #kywx of the December 10, 2021, EF4 tornado again. What we were trying to capture is recovery efforts 30 days later. This video will show damage from the event and also a video from today. Here is #bremen #Kentucky"

"Words cannot describe the almost complete devastation to 85% of Dawson Springs #kywx from the Dec 10, 2021, EF4 #tornado Here's another short video showing how the recovery efforts are going 30 days later. Hat's off to trigger for all the help today!"

December 10th Tornado Destruction in Ohio County

WBKR listener Kimberly Law Craft sent us photos out of Ohio County of the destruction caused by a tornado on December 10, 2021.

Dec 10 Tornado Destruction in Mayfield KY

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