My family visited relatives in central Florida back in March of 1996. One of the activities on the docket was a trip to Disney World. It happened on a day when the high was 60 degrees.

I'm looking at NINE big old fat degrees right now, so 60 sounds like a fever dream. However, my sister told me that she didn't realize how cold 60 degrees could feel until she felt it in Florida. Seriously, she said Disney wasn't terribly fun because of how cold it was.

Snow in Gulf Shores

Right about now, folks in the Florida Panhandle and long the Gulf would probably do just about anything for 60 degrees. Up here in Kentucky, we KNOW we would. Honestly, though, take a look at this. Even for January, this is bonkers.

National Weather Service/Mobile
National Weather Service/Mobile

That's the map; here's the reality check:

Snow in Panama City Beach and Pensacola

I swear that pier in the lower left looks like where we stayed the last time I was in Gulf Shores. Now...let's move down the Gulf a bit and see what's happening in Panama City Beach:

And take a look at Interstate 10 in Pensacola. I don't think it was this bad here.

Winter Storm in the Deep South

Who's already rethinking vacations in the Gulf in January? Once in a blue moon--and maybe not even that often--the Gulf region will get smacked around by Old Man Winter. Only this time, it looks like he's hitting the Deep South with both fists.

I've been to New Orleans, and I am of the opinion that the Crescent City is MUCH warmer than Florida. I wonder if you could even FIND a winter coat at a retail establishment?

Here's the thing...they're freaking out right now along the Gulf, and for good reason. But according to a Weather Channel extended forecast, immediate help is on the way. The projected high for Wednesday, January 22nd is 39 degrees in Gulf Shores, with 60s expected by Sunday and beyond.

Staggering Snow Totals From First Winter Massive Storm of 2025

The first Lake Effect snow storm of 2025 was a multi day doozy that left many Central New York towns buried in several feet of snow.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

Essential Winter Emergency Kit Items

Winter season in the Quad Cities means cold temperatures, heavy snow, and slick roads. Hopefully, you won't ever need to tap into your winter emergency kit, but it's better to have one in your car than to be unprepared. Make sure you have these essential items in your car before winter arrives in the Quad Cities.

Gallery Credit: Connor Kenney/Townsquare Media Quad Cities

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