Uh oh!  I am is SO much trouble.  Apparently Oprah doesn't take too kindly to people who name their pets after her.  Case in point . . . 50 Cent, who recently sat down to chat with O on Oprah's Next Chapter.  In the interview, Oprah asked "Fiddy" if it is true he has a dog named after her.  Immediately uncomfortable (like he was about to be kicked out the book club), 50 Cent squirmed in his seat, shifted his eyes away from Oprah like he had just piddled in the floor and she was holding a rolled up newspaper, and then made the confession that his schnauzer was christened with the same name as the former queen of daytime TV.  WATCH THIS!!  Oprah doesn't seem very flattered . . . at all!  In fact, she acts like she just stepped in a big pile of schnauzer poo.

How hilarious is that?  As soon as he was confronted, 50 Cent literally looked like he wanted to tuck his head back near his tail and crawl outta there.  And Oprah just sat there shooting him the look of shame and damnation.  Yes, 101 Damnations!  Apparently, I may get the same thing if I ever meet her.  See, this is my cat . . .


Yep!  Her name is Oprah.  In fact, her full name is Oprah Winfrey.  Unlike 50 Cent's dog, she does not have a companion named Gayle, though I think that is hysterical!  I realize 50 Cent had a hard time explaining himself and the fact that his schnauzer is named Oprah . . . but how am I going to explain this . . .


I sure hope Oprah never finds out about my cat.  Luckily my cat is a stuck-up homebody who basically spends the day sleeping, licking herself and eating Friskies.  I am now forbidding her to go outside.  I don't want to be a part of the real Oprah's Next Chapter!  Nor does my innocent little kitty.


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