Angel Openly Admits To Spanking Her Kids [VIDEO]
Yes, I believe in spanking my kids. Let the talking and gawking begin! I will just clear the air and say there is a major difference in disciplining your kids and beating them. Many people against the idea of spanking may not quite understand this. Or maybe you just have your own beliefs. Here are mine! I was raised by the now modern biblical term "spare the rod, spoil the child" otherwise known as Proverbs 13:24. Which basically means if a parent refuses to discipline their bratty kid they will become disrespectful and used to getting their way. Today we call this "ENTITLED." Which we all know how well that is working out for society.
Mouths are now open and some people are totally appalled by my way of bringing up my children. Yes I spank them. I also love them more than my own life and they know it!
Each of my 4 children requires a different type of discipline because they are all molded and made different.
Parker, 14, doesn't get spanked anymore and honestly he never did much as a child. He listened well. Of course now as a teenager I would like to ring his neck most days but I deal with him appropriately.
Braden, almost 12, gets an occasional swat on the butt from time to time but they are few and far between. He is my bubbly, happy child and honestly no punishment works for him. I can send him to his room and he will read a book, take the book and he sings. I have found manual labor does the trick. However, he knows if he makes me mad enough he has his hands on his butt and he is tucking and running LOL!
Tuck, 4, has only had a handful of true whippin's (what we call them in our house). He has occasional meltdowns which then result in an undesired end! We don't throw tantrums totally unacceptable!
And last but certainly not least, Miss Sass Pants Charlotte, while she is only 15 months old I can already tell she will be my most trying one of the bunch. She can't even talk but she can point a finger and shake her head. She gets popped on the butt when she gets into things she knows she shouldn't. I know she understands because she will move quickly away from whatever she is into when she sees me coming and then sits down on her butt!
The bottom line is that each child is different so the approach a parent takes will be up to their knowledge of their child. One thing I have learned over the years is how important it is to follow up discipline with love. Making sure my babies know I love them and just because they messed up does not mean that love or care stops. Kids seek security and discipline(with or without spanking) can provide that given correctly.
For those parents who try being your child's best friend over correction, you will find this will come back to bite you in the butt. Trust me when "Junior" grows up he will thank you for being mom or dad first! My mom wore me out when I needed it and I respected and loved her more than anything in the world. She was my best friend when I became an adult. I look back and realized she was helping me to be a better person. I am very thankful for the way I was raised.
Hopefully my discipline now will save me and you from paying for 3 hots and a cot when they are older! But hey, this is just one parent's opinion.