Apollo Eaglettes Competing for Dance Music Sponsorship
The Apollo Eaglettes need your help! They're vying for a CheMIXtry music sponsorship for the upcoming competition season and YOUR votes can help. Here's how you can help them out!
The CheMIXtry competition started Monday and runs for two weeks. The Apollo Eaglettes are entered in the competition and you can help their standing in it. 50% of a team's points are from "likes" and you can vote every day for the next two weeks on up to four different devices.
The prizes up for grabs are pretty awesome. The first place team wins a $1600 music sponsorship. Second place wins $600. And third place wins a $200 and the Eaglettes would LOVE to win. CheMIXtry created the team's competition mixes last season and this is a great opportunity to get mixes for the upcoming season for free.
So please vote for the Eaglettes and get all your family and friends to vote too! Apollo is the only team from Kentucky in the running for the grand prize and they're taking on teams from Indiana, Michigan, Texas and beyond.
To cast your vote, visit the website http://chemixtryla.com/2017/05/18/apolloday4/