
Owensboro Catholic's Green/White Intrasquad Practice
Owensboro Catholic's Green/White Intrasquad Practice
Owensboro Catholic's Green/White Intrasquad Practice
Owensboro Catholic football is back in action for the 2020 high school football season. Players are gearing up to take the field tonight, but with no fans in the stands. There's a way that you can still watch them play, but from your home.
Sam Elliott "Old Town Road" Teaser
Sam Elliott "Old Town Road" Teaser
Sam Elliott "Old Town Road" Teaser
Sam Elliot reciting the lyrics of Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” is everything. His chiseled face, monotone voice, signature mustache and cowboy persona make him the perfect fit for this new Doritos commercial.
FGL Free Concert
FGL Free Concert
FGL Free Concert
The Tennessee Titans will unveil their new uniforms next week. To kick start the fun they will have a pre-party with Florida Georgia Line and it's FREE!

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