On Saturday, November 16th, Jenny and William Howard, their kids, a hundreds of family and friends gathered together in Philpot, Kentucky for the 4th Annual Jammin' for St. Jude Concert.
mily and Mark Shelton have been a part of our WBKR St. Jude Celebrity Phone Bank since I can remember. When they were first asked to join us, they immediately rolled up their sleeves to pitch in. Mark tuned his guitar. Emily warmed up her glorious voice. Then, they joined us in the WBKR studio and made musical and fundraising magic.
Meet 8-year-old Lachlan, a brave young warrior fighting stage 4 Medulloblastoma, a type of brain cancer. The family stopped by the St. Jude Radiothon to share his story.
Here's a typical Angels for Ashley St. Jude Cookout day. Tons of mouthwatering Boston butts, ribs, and chickens were sold for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Last October, Brandon Cox flew halfway across the world to do something he can't do in his hometown of Owensboro, Kentucky. He flew to the African nation of Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and he did for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
On December 1st, 2024, folks here in Owensboro and Daviess County lost a very close, trusted, and well-respected friend. Local businessman Mark Shively, who owned Shoe Stop, passed away at age of 64, following "a long valiant fight with cancer." His enduring spirit and love for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital are with us this week as we continue our annual tradition- our own fight against the "monster."
Jimmy, Janie, and Sue made a special stop at the St. Jude Radiothon to present a generous check from the Bluegrass Legends Experience and Bluegrass Biker News.
The 2025 WBKR Window World St. Jude Radiothon is officially underway and we're asking you to join us in putting your thumbs up and supporting the live-saving mission of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Here at WBKR, we're gearing up for our annual Window World St. Jude Radiothon. This year marks our 21st consecutive year of fundraising for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Again this year, we'll continue a tradition that started about 15 years ago. We'll be joined in studio by special local celebrity guests.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 16th. That's when Jenny and William Howard and their sons will host the family's 4th Annual Jammin' for St. Jude Concert. Here's who's performing this year!