Chad And Angel Want To See Your First Day of School Pictures (PHOTOS)
The first day of school is such a special time. Especially with all that has been going on in the past two years. May we step back and enjoy our little and big kids and send them off to school in a positive way.
I actually went to Calhoun Elementary School in Kindergarten. Our family lived in the Bittel Farm on the hill in McLean County. It was a huge deal to go to Kindergarten because we rode the bus. I was completely and totally nervous. I had always been up under my momma's wing so getting on a bus was a big deal. When I got to school I walked into Mrs. Searcy's class and I remember it so well. It was in the front of the school on the left side if you were looking straight on and it seemed huge to me as a little girl. Mrs. Searcy got us in order right away. I had the best first-day making friends. Then came time to get back on the bus that afternoon. I was almost home and I guess the excitement of the day got me all confused. My momma had told me she would meet me at the end of the driveway and I was to get off at our house instead of the neighbors. Unfortunately, I didn't see her waiting in the distance and started to get off at my friend Eric's house. The bus driver saw her and put his arm up to keep me on the bus. I panicked dramatically broke free and ran off the bus screaming. Lord even at five I was a drama queen. Thankfully he was super sweet and stopped at my house to let my mom know what happened. She sat me down and explained again and the rest of the year I was fine. I'll never forget that day.
Now it's your turn. Share your photos and the first day of school stories with us on the WBKR Facebook page.

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