College View Middle School Teacher Wins Ag Literacy Award
An exciting announcement from Daviess County Public Schools! Judy Trunnell, a local educator here in Daviess County, just won an impressive stage agricultural award.
Mrs.Trunnell, who is a teacher at College View Middle School here in Daviess County, is the recipient of Kentucky Farm Bureau’s 2016 Excellence in Ag Literacy Award. The announcement was made at Kentucky Farm Bureau's 97th annual meeting, which was held recently at the Galt House Hotel in downtown Louisville.
KFB’s Excellence in Ag Literacy Award is presented to and rewards teachers who incorporate agricultural concepts throughout their core curriculum. And, for her big win, Mrs. Trunnell received $500 cash and an expense-paid trip to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference June 20-23, 2017 in Kansas City, MO, where she will represent the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the national competition.
Judy Trunnell has been teaching for the past 23 years and joined the staff at College View Middle six years ago. Trunnell won the award based on her creation of a five-week unit called "Nutrition", which focused on vital nutrients and where to get them. She also created a "classroom grocery store" to instruct students in evaluating food labels for important nutritional information. And she was also instrumental in helping to create a school day called “Farm to Fork: Celebrating Local Food and Local Farms.”
Judy Trunnell graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Brescia College and received her master’s degree from Western Kentucky University. Go Bearcats! Got Tops! Go Vikings! And go, Mrs. Trunnell!
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