September 8th-14th is National Suicide Prevention Week.  The Daviess County Public Library is hosting a Prevention Workshop for Teens this week and everyone is invited-->

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among those kids in college and teens ages 12-18 according to CDC WISQARS.

It is also noted that more teenagers die from suicide than Cancer, AIDS, birth defects, and other diseases.

Most teens who attempt suicides give very clear warning signs and this is what the workshop encompasses.

Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition will be coming to the library on Wednesday, September 11th, from 4-5 p.m. for QPR Training for teens.

QPR, is short for "Question, Persuade, Refer," and designed to help people recognize and get help for those who might be contemplating suicide. This training will focus on what to look for and how best to deal with a loved one, friend, or acquaintance who needs help.

Teens 12-18 years old are encouraged to attend.


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