Day Two: How to Get Your Butts, Chicken, Ribs at the Drive-Through St. Jude Cookout
It's day two of the Window World St. Jude Radiothon. And, as is part of that tradition, Jerry Morris and the Angels for Ashley Cooking Team are at Shoe Stop in Wesleyan Park Plaza cooking up some delicious Boston butts, ribs, and chicken. And what a beautiful day for a cookout.
This year, there are no plate lunch lines, only drive-through service. That's right. You don't even have to get out of your vehicle.
The best way to do it, I think, is to come in from the SOUTH side of the Wesleyan Park Plaza parking lot. That would be the Emory Drive side. It's the natural flow of traffic and it's what everyone's been doing so far.
Members of the Angels of the Ashley Cooking Team will take your order and get it right out to you. Make sure you're listening throughout the day since there will be times where there could be "breaks," meaning there will be times when it's possible we'll be between being ready to serve up some any of the three selections.
And don't forget, the Big Game is this Sunday and, like I suspect some have already done--based on their orders, this is a great opportunity to load up on your Sunday menu.
Here's the price list:
RIBS - $25
We'll see you at the St. Jude Cookout.

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