Did You Know Gary’s Drive-In in Owensboro Serves Piña Colada Ice Cream?
O.M.G. I am going to sing the praises of my friend Brandi this morning. A couple of days ago, she rolled up into Gary's Drive-In over on Veach Road here in Owensboro and ordered some ice cream. But it wasn't just your run-of-the-mill vanilla or chocolate soft serve. NO!! Apparently, Gary's is now serving Piña Colada ice cream. And, if Brandi's selfie is proof of anything, it looks absolutely freaking delicious!
Here's what Brandi had to say about the new ice cream flavor on social media:
If you have not had the piña colada ice cream from Gary’s drive in... drop what you’re doing and go get yourself some RIGHT NOW! The only thing that would make it any better is if it has a tiny paper umbrella in it!!

Brandi is a local real estate agent and she routinely hits up local “dive” joints for lunch. A couple of weeks ago, she was pressed for time and needed a quick bite before her next appointment. Luckily, that appointment was very close to Gary's Drive-In. When she got there, she noticed a sign on the window that read, "We have piña colada ice cream." Brandi admits that she didn't really have time for ice cream that particular day, but made a mental note. After all, she's a woman who "loves all things piña colada and all things beach-related."
So, a few days ago, she was back in Gary's neighborhood and pulled in with some dolla dolla bills. Brandi can't remember exactly what the cone cost, but admits that it was "mounted high" and destined to become a new staple in her week. She says it is soft serve ice cream that is somehow twisted with this "highly concentrated piña colada-flavored syrup." The end result? "Absolutely divine!"
Once Brandi shared her photo, it didn't take long for additional folks to start chiming in and sharing their thoughts about the new flavor as well.
JoElla Baker said, "Oh my! Did not know about those! I'm headed that way now!
Kerry Lacefield shared, "I luv Gary's. And Luvvv their orange dream shakers!"
And Michael Hicks was hilarious. He took the Piña Colada theme and ran with it. He said, "I like getting caught in the rain."
Hey, I love Piña Coladas. I love that song. And I have a hunch I am going to absolutely love that ice cream. Let's meet there by tomorrow noon.
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