Your Evansville Rescue Mission (ERM) continues to grow and branch out into new areas - things like its Mission Grounds coffee shop and The Thrift Store, both located in Washington Square Mall, and both recently celebrating a first anniversary.

Facebook/The Thrift Store by Evansville Rescue Mission
Facebook/The Thrift Store by Evansville Rescue Mission

Our friends from the ERM are on the air with us at least once a month, talking about the various projects that are going on or coming up. We also talk a lot about how the community can help - the things the ERM needs to keep growing. Of course, monetary donations are always needed and welcomed, but from time to time the ERM also needs things like food, water, clothing, and even just your time as a volunteer. One thing I have never heard the ERM ask for (until today) is newspapers.

Why Does the Evansville Rescue Mission Need Newspapers?

The reason for this ask makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider it's coming from The Thrift Store, which moves a ton of items in and out of the store every day.

As a frequent shopper at The Thrift Store, I highly recommend you stop by and check it out. I have donated several car-fulls of various items and I have purchased a bunch of really cool clothes. I bought several pairs of $6 golf shorts that I know would cost $40 or $50 at other stores - I'm talking about brand-name stuff.

What Are Some Other Uses for Old Newspapers?

This really doesn't have anything to do with the ERM, but I found a list of other interesting ways to use newspapers once you're done reading them. So, you can either donate them to The Thrift Store or maybe try one of these ideas. Get more details about these and even more ideas here.

  • Cleaning windows
  • Shelf lining
  • Cat litter box liners
  • Barbecue cleaner
  • Packing material
  • Weed killer
  • Firestarter
  • Shape keeper
  • Fruit and vegetable drawer liner
  • Stain protection
  • Car floor covers
  • Fireplace logs
  • Camping aid
  • Table padding
  • Shoe and boot mat
  • Gift wrapping
  • Book covers
  • Protect outdoor plants
  • Oven cleaner
  • Unscrewing a broken light bulb
  • Insect traps

See Inside The Thrift Store by Evansville Rescue Mission [Before and After]

The Thrift Store by Evansville Rescue Mission is now in its amazing new space inside Washington Square Mall. Take a look at the hard work that has gone into this unique new thrift store.

10 Services Your Evansville Rescue Mission Provides

Your Evansville Rescue Mission is so much more than a men's homeless shelter. They provide a lot of services to give a hand up, not a handout. ERM has been serving Evansville, Indiana for over 100 years, thanks to volunteers.

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