EVSC New Tech Institute Craft and Vendor Fair in Evansville
You can help the Business Professionals of America from New Tech Institute go on their Student Trip and take advantage of some great deals from tons of amazing vendors!
EVSC New Tech Institute is a full-day high school in Evansville. They offer project-based learning, a smaller school size, and students working to solve community-based issues and projects, as they prepare students for real world situations!
Last week this amazing school received the Employer Support of Guard and Reserve "Above and Beyond Award"! They made the announcement on their Twitter and Facebook pages. Congrats!
You can help the Business Professionals of America from New Tech Institute go on their upcoming Student Trip and have some family fun in the process!
Saturday, Sept. 9th from 9am to 3pm
New Tech Institute 1901 Lynch RD., Evansville IN 47711
Here's a list of some of the vendors that will be on hand:
Avon, Clever Container, Barbie Kays, Scentsy, Pink Zebra, Paparazzi Jewelry, Z Designs (Silver), Timberview, Feller’s Train, Flower Farm, Fudge Faced, Tupperware, Lula Roe, Homemade crafts, Jewelry, Fabric, Leather, Yarn, Wreaths, Soaps, Cosmetics, Candles, clothing and much much more…
More about EVSC New Tech Institute: