The Owensboro community is always amazing at rallying around their own.  Dr. Jim Tidwell is no exception.  He suffered a spinal injury in early August that left him paralyzed and his friends and family are springing into action to help and you can too!

Tidewells Tribe FB
Tidewells Tribe FB

When Jim does arrive home he will have to have different modifications done to his home and also medical equipment to help him with daily life.  There has been a GoFundMe Page setup to help offset these costs.

Jackie Sue Smith of Owensboro of Jack Blue Handmade is also designing bracelets to help with funding.  See Below.

It has been such a blessing to watch everyone in our community come together in prayer, with help, and love to support Jim and his family.

TidewellsTribe FB
TidewellsTribe FB

You can follow Jim's progress through Tidwellstribe on Facebook.



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