We're fast approaching Girl Scout Cookie season and, with that in mind, the Girl Scouts want to make it easier for you to find the cookies!

In  2018, Girl Scout S'mores return to join traditional favorites like the Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, and Tagalongs, among others.

Now, it's always easy to run into Girl Scouts who've set up shop just outside the entrances of places like Kroger and Walmart.

But if you're not into chance encounters and want to make sure you get the cookies you need in your life, the Girl Scouts now have a cookie locator.

Since, at this writing, we're 17 days away from availability, you can click on the "Alert Me" button so you'll know exactly when "go time" is.

After the cookies go on sale, you'll be able to enter your zip code and then know exactly WHERE to go get your cookies.

Simple technology to aid you in your cookie shopping!



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