Governor Beshear Wants Church Bells in Kentucky to Ring Together Sunday
This afternoon, in his daily coronavirus briefing, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear made a special ask of churches all around the Commonwealth. He wants every church in the state to ring its bells at the same time tomorrow morning.
Of course, a reminder. Due to the continued spread and threat of coronavirus, all mass gatherings in Kentucky have been suspended. That includes church services. Until further notice, those services must be done remotely- through live streaming, television, radio, etc. Gov Beshear reminded Kentuckians of the tangible, documented threat COVID-19 poses. He said, "We have very specific examples where coronavirus has been spread in houses of worship in Kentucky."
Beshear then made a very special request. "But I am gonna ask for something. For people who might not be able to see their service on social media, might to be able to hear it on the radio. If you're willing, at 10am Eastern Time (9am CST) this Sunday morning, we'd love you to ring your bells."
Governor Beshear went on to explain the importance and potential impact of such a coordinated effort. He added, "It's been done at other times in America. (It) just reminds us that we're all here and we are going to make it through and come out of this together."
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