Here’s How You Can Go On An Overnight BigFoot Expedition In Kentucky (VIDEO)
From the first time I watched Harry & the Henderson's as a kid, I always wanted to know if by some possibility there was a BigFoot Family out in the woods somewhere. My brother and I wanted to go on the search for Harry. Now you can right here in Kentucky.
Here is what we know according to KentuckyBigfoot.com;
You will participate in a three-night, three-day camping adventure in one of the prime Bigfoot hot spots in the state of Kentucky. It's an undisclosed location in Western KY, with the exact spot being revealed once the required paperwork is received. Every expedition has yielded amazing evidence such as homerun knocks, whoops, whistles, howls, growls, tents touched, tree structures, tracks, and visual sightings!!!
Thursday, April 2, through Sunday, April 5, and no matter if you are a professional BigFoot hunter or just love adventure you are invited too.
From education to research techniques you'll have the opportunity to be totally schooled in all things BigFoot. Each night there will be a guest speaker and then everyone will be put into teams for the night adventures.
Begins: April 2, 2020, at Noon
Ends: Sunday, April 5, 2020, at 11:00 AM
What To Bring: tent (primitive camping), Bigfoot gear (include a red headlamp). Limited electricity. A port-a-potty will be available!
What Not To Bring: Firearms, alcohol, pets, kids or unexpected guests.
Fee: $100 per person (includes campsite, dinners, and breakfasts)
All locations of the expedition will be released after the submission of payment and necessary paperwork.

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