How Owensboro HASN’T Changed in 20 Years [PHOTOS]
Over the last couple of decades, Owensboro has undergone many, many changes (I'm lookin' at you, riverfront and Highway 54). But some parts of Owensboro, particularly city landmarks, haven't, relatively speaking.
After conducting an informal survey, I got some suggestions about what someone who hasn't been in Owensboro in 20 years could point to that would immediately make them know they are home.
Here's what I got:
A friend of mine came to visit me in 1985. He came across the blue bridge and took a picture of the Kentucky mirror. So that one goes back well beyond 20 years.
Moonlite and the Big Dipper have been next-door neighbors for as long as most of us can remember. I'm not surprised their names were mentioned.
Back in the day, the water tower next to the Frederica/Bypass interchange was checkered and my dad called it the "big golf tee." I still do.
While gigantic Owensboro Grain silos have altered the skyline as you look down third street from Frederica, this is one sight that's been seen by THESE eyes as long as this brain can remember.
I don't remember the Roosevelt House not being there, but it WAS built when I was a kid and I was really excited about it. You see, when we'd travel in the summertime, I loved driving through big cities because I was fascinated by skyscrapers. Well, in my mind, THIS was Owensboro's skyscraper and it gave the city a skyline. I loved it.
Remember when the bridge was, for a brief time, ORANGE?!? Yep...uh, no thanks. "Orange Bridge" just doesn't have the same ring. Of course, it's officially called The Glover Cary Bridge, so its color doesn't really matter. No, wait, yeah it does.
And, finally, how about a way in which Owensboro hasn't changed in HUNDREDS of years. Yes, we couldn't leave out what is very likely the world's LARGEST sassafras tree.
I'm sure there are more. Which means there WILL be a follow-up.
Until then...