How to Attend Kentucky’s Famous ROMP Music Festival for Free
Well how about that - it's almost about time to start making plans for the annual midwestern pilgrimage to ROMP Fest! The 24th installment of OBKY's yearly bluegrass festival is set to start jamming on June 21st and will be rolling out iconic honky tonk headliners all weekend until the 24th. Reckon you pack those tents up, grab your goin' out boots, text the group chat, and load up the truck- because this year you and your concert buddies can attend the festival for free.
Free of monetary charge, that is. Because in the larger sense of economical exchange, these tickets aren't exactly just being handed out.
How Can YOU Attend ROMP for FREE?
After taking a quick gander at one of their social media pages (I saw their Facebook, but they have a surprisingly entertaining TikTok), and reading the post in full, they announced to the public that they are in fact giving away tickets to festival volunteers. And the benefits are reassuringly good for any live music lover- especially for committed festival goers.
As a country music enthusiast and a novice banjo strummer myself, I nearly spit out my cold brew at the news. Being able to score a free weekend pass and be provided with tent camping for the whole festival? Take it from this seasoned ROMP Fest veteran, that my friends, is a steal. There are certainly worst events to volunteer for, like that time I was a volunteer parking assistant for the Indy 500, and all I got for that was a concession stand stipend for $10 and the mandatory t-shirt they give you when you're on duty- which I've been known to still wear from time to time.

Anywho, the lovely folks that put on this sacred bluegrass festival are currently taking applications on their site for what they affectionately refer to as their "amazing army of volunteers." It just requires some basic personal info, a query on your past involvement with the weekend event, and if you're able to lift objects that weigh 20 pounds- which is notably less than what the Indy 500 parking gig required...for some reason?
Heavens me, there I go with my incoherent rambling again.
Why Should You Plan on Going to ROMP?
Whether you enjoy the type of music being performed, like going to music festivals, or just love camping in Kentucky; there are a plethora of other reasons to break out the camping gear and head to ROMP this year. You see, this celebration of twang is a lot more than another lifeless, run-of-the-mill music festival. Unlike other overrated festivals like Coachella, there's far more at this wholesome and interactive event than just sweet merch and opportunities for Instagram posts. Here's more about it in their own words from their site:
"Daviess County’s Yellow Creek Park, a 150-acre facility famous for its nature trails, winding creek and fishing lake, and sweeping tree-lines, plays host to ROMP each year.
A full line-up of artist-led instrument workshops takes place throughout the day, as ROMP artists interact with fans and players of all ages and skill levels. Other workshops and forums include songwriting, clogging and flat-foot dancing, yoga (all levels), and bluegrass jamming 101.
Additional offerings at ROMP Festival include organic and farm-to-table food vendors, craft vendors featuring Kentucky Proud products, art installations, and professionally-led children's activities."
Workshops, local food and beverage companies, and encouraged singalongs are what give this local festival so much character and charm. Sprinkle in the fact that it's in the beautiful Kentucky wilderness, is also family-friendly, and more importantly, dog friendly- and you've got a perfect concoction for a getaway that only lasts a few days but will instill memories for a lifetime.
Join the ROMP Army
So, what are you waiting on? Can't you read? They need an army! And in return, you are handsomely rewarded with the opportunity to witness their army of planned acts that are performing across the campsite. ROMP truly is more than just lawn chairs and empty beer cans, it's a live window to the heart and soul of the bluegrass industry.
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