Kentucky Mask Mandate Ends June 11th; Businesses to Return to 100% Capacity
The old saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Or something like that.
But you get the gist.
I'd say the particular journey about which I'm speaking began the second week in March of 2020. It was a time of enormous uncertainty since, as a nation--or even a planet, we're not accustomed to being thrust into the great unknown...especially not to this degree.
Perhaps the overwhelming shock of the events of September 11th, 2001 might come the closest, but that tragedy was a rallying cry for the country and we locked arms and strengthened our resolve to be far more vigilant than we ever had before. In other words, while it was an extraordinary blow, we seemed to wrestle the panic and fear to the ground and deal with it.
But a pandemic, the likes of which we hadn't seen since before nearly 100% of the earth's population was even born, just left us reeling. What do we do? Where can we go? When will see a light at the end of this tunnel?
Well, how about June 11th? The bulbs are fresh and they will be shining brightly.
Friday morning, on his Facebook page, Governor Andy Beshear announced that, in a month, all Kentucky venues and events may return to 100% capacity. Also, on that day, the mask mandate for all Kentuckians will be lifted, with the exception of hospitals and long-term care facilities, and public transportation--aircraft, buses, trains, and the like.
Skip to the 6:30 mark to see the announcement:
The road has been long and soon we'll see it end.
And then I can use my masks to clean my reading glasses and phone screen.