Kentucky’s 400-Mile Yard Sale Set for June
I have always wanted to head out on one of our country's really long two-lane highways.
U.S. Highway 60, for example, runs from Virginia Beach, Virginia all the way to the Arizona-California line. That's over 2,600 miles. It would be daunting, but those kinds of highways have so much character and really allow you to see the small towns of America.
Nothing wrong with the interstates, of course, since time is often of the essence, but it's nice to see something besides the fleeting inner-workings of major metropolitan areas--the only cities you actually drive THROUGH on an interstate highway.
If you have an interest in a scenic drive like the ones I'm discussing AND you're looking for bargains (gosh, I sound like Angel), open that calendar app and set aside June 3-5 for some prime time shopping. June 6th will be optional for vendors.
That's the weekend for Kentucky's 400-Mile Yard Sale. The entire length of U.S. Highway 68, within the Commonwealth's borders, will feature sale after sale after sale. There is no telling what you'll come away with.
From west to east, it will start in Paducah and end in Maysville.
The map at shows you all the cities and towns that will be involved and there will be a ton of them.
This is an enormous event. Well, I guess that goes without saying, but what I mean is the yard sale's site gives you tips on camping locations and lodging. I mean, let's face it, we're talking about 400 MILES.
There's no way you can get to it all in one day.