Talk about a "dog with a bone," I have been the veritable dog with the bone when it comes to the subject of one of my favorite childhood memories.

And part of me would like to take a little credit for what's about to happen but I know that I cannot. Isn't there an old saying that goes, "Wishing makes it so"?

I recently wrote about Guntown Mountain in Cave City, Kentucky, hoping that someone will take this venerable old attraction and bring it back to life. I mean, it's not like the candle had been completely extinguished with regards to the property. The haunted house and gift shop at the bottom of the hill have been operating. Of course, that's because those who owned the entire property were more than willing to sell the components separately.

Well, there is good news on the horizon--that is if you can SEE the horizon. Guntown Mountain kind of blocks it out. But Guntown Mountain, itself, has been UNBLOCKED.

That has generated a great big HOORAY from this corner.

One of south-central Kentucky's iconic old roadside stops is about to be revitalized, as Guntown Mountain has come under new ownership.

Like so many attractions, Guntown Mountain closed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now its reopening is on the fast track; new owner Nathan Frensley has been working feverishly and plans to open in July, according to

A new restaurant and remodeled attractions are just a small part of what visitors can expect. And since an old west town would not be complete without a saloon, Frensley is applying for a liquor license to maintain authenticity. Also, if you've never seen a live can-can show, you will at Guntown Mountain.

And, of course, with a big revitalization/remodeling project, workers are needed. If that sounds interesting to you, find out more on the Guntown Mountain Facebook page.

This is all very exciting news, if for no other reason than the fact that Frensley is a longtime fan of the property and, like me, has great memories of his visits as a child with his family.

I can't wait to see what he does with it.

In the meantime, check out what it's looked like prior to the sale...

Guntown Mountain in Cave City, Kentucky -- Inside and Out

Once a thriving tourist attraction, Guntown Mountain has been closed for many years, even though the haunted attraction at the BOTTOM is still operable. The owners are willing to sell the top and bottom separately, which I think is a good idea.

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