Horror Comedy ‘Sharks of the Corn’ Set in Fictional KY Town
One of my all-time favorite sketches from the original Saturday Night Live in the 1970s (when I had to keep the volume low so Mom wouldn't hear me watching it) was "Land Shark." I'm not sure that was the name, but that's what I called it. Here's a refresher:
Like so many other sketch comedy series of the day--and there were tons--SNL was capitalizing on one of the biggest blockbusters of all time, Jaws.
As a theme, Steven Spielberg's classic adventure hasn't ever really gone away. It stimulated a national--if not international--interest in sharks that has led to events like "Shark Week" and deliberately silly action movies like Sharknado. And I seriously doubt we'd have a certain three-year-old horror comedy if we'd never had Jaws.
There Are Sharks in That Kentucky Corn
Having an issue with Children of the Corn? Then sick one of these things on Malachi and put an end to it. Yes, in 2021 the word "children" was replaced with "sharks" and Sharks of the Corn was born.
IMDB tells us that there have been strange goings-on in the tiny town of Druid Hills KY, a burg known for its stunningly over-the-top production of corn. And with all that corn, there MUST be sharks, right? In Sharks of the Corn, I am right. And not just sharks, GREAT WHITE sharks. And they are SWIMMING in the corn.
It sounds like writer/director Tim Ritter and his co-writers Steven Kang and Ron Bonk. Perhaps my favorite aspect of all of this is the fact that there's a credited actor named Ford Windstar. It's only hilarious if you remember that Ford once made a van called the Windstar. I remember, and it cracked me up.
Take a look at the trailer:
I am in tears laughing. The tagline "You're gonna need a bigger field" is golden. And if the budget topped $500, I'd be surprised.
The best news? The entire movie is on YouTube. Just remember to check your popcorn bowl for, you know, sharks.
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Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky
LOOK: Which movies were filmed in Kentucky?
Gallery Credit: Stacker