Ten Words That Sound Really Gross When You Say Them Out Loud
I think we can all agree that the word "moist" is just really nasty. Even when you use it to describe a cake or something like that, it doesn't make the dessert sound appetizing at all. It makes it sound gross and inedible.
There are certain words that I just can't stand to hear or say and I have composed them into a pretty revolting and stomach-churning list.
We begin with what is arguably the most universally despised word of all- the aforementioned . . .
And here's another word that just gives me the creeps. In fact, how is that something that, for all practical purposes, is used to describe a measurement of food can be so unappetizing? Say this word aloud. Right now? Say it!
Didn't that just make you feel really uncomfortable?
If that one didn't, this one will.
UGH!! And let's be honest here. If you're in a position where you're having to use the word "salve", chances are you did something really unfortunate to get yourself there.
Oh, here's a word that just sends shivers up my spine!
The reason I detest the word "curd" is quite simply the fact that it's often used to describe the consistency of the absolute worst food on the planet- cottage freaking cheese. I'd rather saw off my own tongue than eat a plate of that or say the word "curd". No thanks!
Credit Dr. Pimple Popper for my loathing of this word.
I'm not sure there's a word in the English language that paints a more vivid and nauseating image than the word "pustule". I mean, that's just horrifying. And, what comes out of a pustule? Yep. Another really gnarly word- pus. YUCK!

And, like its predecessor "salve," here's another word that, if you're using it, suggests that you have some unspeakable rash or itch or leprosy.
Oh, and ooh!! How about this word?
Full confession here. If I am drinking orange juice, there will be no question that it's pulp-free. I think one reason why is that pulp basically has the texture of hair and getting it caught on your lip while drinking a glass of juice is utterly revolting. So is the word!
The same can be said for this one! I think there must be something about the phonetics of the letter "P".
My friend Beth has always made fun of me for disliking this next word. But is there a more unfortunately named body part than this one? By the way, before you go there, that question was rhetorical? LOL!
And then there's this word . . .
Again. Just say that word out loud. Lotion. Ugh! It makes me so uncomfortable that if I am using said product (and I have to because I get really ashy in the winter), I won't call it "lotion". I'll just refer to it by the brand name I'm using. Like "Hempz" or "Jergens."
So, what's a word that YOU think sounds really gross when you say it aloud?
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