Looking For A Valentine’s Day Gift? Here’s Five Things You Probably Shouldn’t Get
The day of love is almost upon us and guys and gals are frantically racking their brains for the perfect gift for their significant other. STOP right were you are and read this before you go any further.
I hate to burst your bubble but Valetine's Day is just like any other day of the year unless it is the day you got married or it's your birthday. Yes, I know it's a National holiday but really it is just another day. If you are one that takes the opportunity to use it a day to show extra love beyond what you already give to someone else on a daily basis good for you. Let me give you a piece of advice. Before you freak out and overthink the gift, you need to step back and think about the person receiving it. For the most part unless you have a high maintenance, spoiled rotten, bratty spouse or other half you shouldn't have to be over-the-top. Most people just like knowing they are being thought of in the first place.
No two people are the same. Some do what they flowers, chocolates, cards, and such. More often than not it isn't even about the getting a gift. We asked several people things they did not want to be gifted and I have to say the answers were all over the place.
A lot of women said flowers and I get it. It's the obvious gift. It's a given. It's almost expected. However, if I'm giving you advice I'd buy the flowers and have them delivered a few days early because you have to mortgage your house for a dozen roses on Valentine's Day goodness.
Heart-Shaped Boxes of Candy
I mean you had to know this one was coming. Those boxes of candy are a bit overrated and priced. Does candy really say "I Love You"? I feel like a heart-shaped assortment say something like "It's the first thing I saw in Walgreen's aisle last night".
This one is a tough one. I think it truly depends on who you are shopping for. Maybe you're with a sentimental sap. Walk with me on this though what if you went above and beyond and instead of spending half a weeks salary on a card that is gonna end up in the bottom of the trash can during the next home purge right it in a letter or have something sweet engraved on a piece of jewelry.
Gift Cards
A part of me just panicked when I typed that. If my husband is reading this don't pay any attention to this part of the story. I love a good gift card, it allows me to buy what I want. Unfortunately, some folks don't want the gift card. I do get it though. I have heard others say the gift card is the lazy person's gift (I don't agree but to each their own). I say for me bring it!
Any type of gadget or appliance or fix it thingy
I'm not sure why anyone should even have to be told this but here we are. Guys your wife does not want a vacuum, blender, mixer, or any other clean thingy. If you're gonna do the Valentine's thing at least do it right. I'm offended even having to type this one out.

I can almost guarantee most people want acknowledgment. Be intentional. Be loving. Be kind and most important be present. A lot of people don't care about the presents they want your presence. No gifts just the giver. My husband and I don't really celebrate Valentine's because we celebrate one another all throughout the year. My best advice is to lead with your heart not your wallet.
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