New Kentucky House Bill Proposes Merging Counties
About 175 million years ago, the Earth's continents formed a supercontinent called Pangea. They eventually broke apart and appear as you see them on maps and globes today. A new bill proposed in the Kentucky House could merge all 120 counties into 34 larger counties.
The new bigger counties could be renamed and all the local governments in that county would consolidate. HERE is what new Kentucky map would look like and as you can see counties with larger metro areas, including Louisville, Lexington, Paducah, Owensboro, Henderson and others would not be merged.
Therefore, Ohio would merge with McLean and Muhlenberg: Union would merge with Webster and Crittenden; Hopkins would merge with Caldwell; and Hancock would merge with Breckinridge and Meade counties.
A similar bill, HB 242, would also reduce the number Kentucky's county and independent school districts. This would consolidate the state's 173 school districts into 55 with one superintendent serving over each new district.