Opening Day Set for New Daviess County Middle School
When I walked through the front doors of Daviess County Middle School for the first time as a nervous 11-year-old 6th grader in 1977, I was in awe...and terror.
For the last five years, I'd been educated in one room. And now, here we all were shuffling from one classroom to another six times a day, hoping we'd get to our next class on time in this big, beautiful and reportedly HAUNTED old building.
I have searched and searched and cannot find the exact opening day of DCMS on East 4th Street, but I know it has to be at least 80 years old. It once served as Daviess County HIGH School.
Well, very soon, the voices of adolescents and young teenagers will vanish from those venerable old hallways and begin populating the brand new Daviess County Middle School at 3901 Fairview Drive near Gateway Commons.
The plan was to have the new facility ready for the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year in August, but there was a little more work needed before the doors could finally open. And open they will on October 17th, the day DCMS students will transition from the future former location into the new building, or buildings, I guess. Out with the old; in with the new.
Appropriately enough, that day is the Monday after fall break. And prior to the opening, according to a DCPS news release, Daviess County Middle School students and their parents will have opportunities to check out the new facility--which features a gymnasium, media center, administrative offices, cafeteria, and, of course, classroom wings--via family pep rallies and open house nights.
On October 4th, eighth graders will get their first look at the new school with seventh and sixth graders to follow on October 5th and 6th respectively. The times for those tours will be shared with DCMS families at a later date.
And on Sunday, October 23rd, DCMS will host a Community Open House from 1-4 PM.
I know it must be a great relief for students, families, and school administrators alike to finally see the new facility open for business and begin a whole new Daviess County Middle School era.
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