Owensboro Parks & Recreation Introduces Fall T-Ball and Registration Is Underway
The other day, I heard someone say, "I'm already ready for fall." Well, you'll not find a bigger fan of fall than me, but I don't think the weather this summer has been overwhelming as it can be.
I usually start to wish for cooler weather about August.
But now would be a GREAT time to think about fall if you have a little one who'd like to play T-BALL this fall.
Owensboro Parks & Rec is hosting its first EVER fall t-ball league for kids aged three to six years old.
The fee is $56 per child and comes with a t-shirt, hat and a reward. Plus, there will be a $10 discount for each sibling registered within the same household.
Games will be played on Monday and/or Tuesday nights.
A mandatory parents meeting is scheduled for August 10th at the Owensboro Sportscenter at 6PM and parents may purchase adult shirts for $10 each at the meeting. Both parents may attend, but only one is required.
The registration deadline for fall t-ball is July 21st.
For more information and to register for either league, visit owensboroparks.org.