It's officially official! He-Man and Masters of the Universe fans rejoice.  Red Serial Films has announced what they've been secretly working on for years now. Fall of Grayskull 2: Rise of the Horde. The feature length sequel to their previous 2015 Masters of the Universe fan film.

Red Serial Films
Red Serial Films

Keep reading to see the absolutely EPIC trailer and words from cast, crew, and director Daniel Benedict as the Kickstarter campaign launches today. Supporters are already super excited to see the story that was teased at the end of the first movie. Daniel said, "Getting the “band” back together, and adding so many new people into the fold, has been like a family reunion or getting together with the people you love at Christmas!"

Red Serial Films
Red Serial Films

Some of those amazing actors from Castle Grayskull are back in action for Rise of the Horde. Professional wrestler Brian Cage will be holding the Power Sword once again as He-Man himself. Louisa Torres will be returning as well as Mercedez Varble reprising her role as Teela. There are some really talented new actors joining the cast as well. You can learn more about them at the link below.

Red Serial Films
Red Serial Films

Mercedez told me that in the first movie when she was Battleground Teela, it wasn't the character that people were used to from the iconic cartoon. I was blown away at how much she looked like the action figure version of the character! This time, she's excited to rock Teela's traditional snake armor, fiery auburn hair, and ride her horse, Charger.

Daniel Benedict
Daniel Benedict
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"I'm incredibly blessed to be able to reprise this role. I'm thankful for the opportunities to portray such a strong, significant female character. I remember after the first Fall of Grayskull premiered, little girls lined up for my autograph and it meant so much to me."

Red Serial Films
Red Serial Films

Nostalgia really is the driving force for these movies. Daniel shares his inspiration behind the Fall of Grayskull films and why the Masters of the Universe franchise is special not only to him but countless kids across the world. Especially those of us who grew up in the 80s.

Here is the storyline we can expect from Fall of Grayskull 2: Rise of the Horde. 

"In the end credits of part one, we tease of Hordak preparing to invade Eternia..where this movie will pick up. Prince Adam/He-Man has to deal with taking over as king after the death of his father, the inner struggle of being forced to kill Skeletor in the previous film, and trying to protect Eternia from this new invading army. Like He-Man, Teela is also struggling with the loss of a parent and attempting to take on her new role as guardian of Grayskull. We also meet Adora who is contemplating the morality of her life in the Horde and discovering her destiny of becoming She-Ra."

Although it sounds like the characters are dealing with a lot of inner turmoil, Benedict wants this sequel to be much lighter and more fun that the original fan film. Here is that incredible preview followed by more info about the upcoming film. You also get to meet Robert and Shawn Lamb, the dynamic scriptwriting and storyboard artist duo for this movie. They've previously worked on projects like He-Man and She-Ra, BraveStarr, Fat Albert, Darkwing Duck, and many others.

If you want to support Red Serial Films' Fall of Grayskull 2: Rise of the Horde, just click here for the Kickstarter campaign. Depending on how much you give, you can get some pretty awesome swag in return. A comic book, stickers, trading cards, your name in the credits, etc.And you get to feel good about helping dreams come true.


Mercedez shared, "I'm a small town girl from Whitesville with dreams and aspirations that have come true thanks to the opportunity to portray Teela. My face has been on the big screen in Germany, Hollywood, and a sold out theatre in my hometown."

QUIZ: Can You Identify the Iconic '80s Film From Just a Single Freeze-Frame?

Embark on a journey through '80s nostalgia with kids (and aliens) on bikes, and teens dodging principles (and responsibilities). We've put the proverbial pause on some of the decade's most iconic flicks, and now it's your mission to name them all.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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