Do You Have an Elementary School Student Who Loves to Run?
When I was a kid, I loved to run. In fact, I joined my first cross country team in middle school and, if memory serves me correctly, my team and I were knocking down about 6 miles a day, plus throwing in random 400m drills. The 400m drills were absolute torture, but I could run six miles and not even feel winded. That certainly did not carry on into adulthood. LOL!
Cross country is an incredibly popular sport locally and there's a really cool opportunity for young kids who like to run. My friend Laura Murphy shared this on social media this week and I knew a lot of folks would be interested in it. There's a September Racing Series for elementary school students at Yellow Creek Park. If you have a child that likes to run, here's a great opportunity for them to get the chance to compete against other kids their age.
Here's a look at the schedule!
As you can see, there are multiple age divisions children can compete in. Those divisions are Boys K-2, Girls K-2, Boys 3rd Grade to 5th Grade and Girls 3rd Grade to 5th Grade.
Registration gets underway at 4:45 each afternoon with the first race, the Boys K-2 race, scheduled to begin at 5:15pm
And, each week, there are awards for the Top 10 finishers in each age division. Plus, everyone who runs gets a participation ribbon. The first race is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7th.
So, on your mark, get set, GO!
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