Special Needs EXPO Coming to Owensboro Christian Church
At the Special Needs EXPO, families can learn about resources and informational services that are available in the community. Everything is under one roof and it's FREE!
Wendell Foster, Kentucky Family to Family Health Information Center, and the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities have teamed up for an informative and fun-filled day! Everyone is invited to this FREE EXPO.
This Saturday, October 20th, 2018, from 9:00am – 1:00pm come out to Owensboro Christian Church (2818 New Hartford Rd.) for a day of networking and sharing!
The Special Needs EXPO will include non-profit organizations dedicated to serving the special needs community, as well as state and private agencies that offer resources in this field.
Music will be provided by Prof G and entertainment by Musick Studios All Abilities dance class, GRADSA’s Star Squad, Leland “Hammer Jammer” Isbill, and a performance by Bluegrass Children’s Theatre.
Lunch will also be provided for those in attendance.
Here's a look at some of the agencies that will be in attendance! This is incredible and you won't want to miss it. Did I mention that it's FREE?
After Hours with Isaiah
Anthem Medicaid
ARC of Owensboro
AspYre LLC
Audubon Area Community Care Clinic
Audubon Area Community Services
Audubon Area Headstart
Behavior Associates
Bowling Green Noon Lions Club
Building Stronger Families
Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Center
Center for Courageous Kids
Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities
Community Options
Corey’s Heart and Soul Designs
Critically Loved
Daviess County Public Library
Disability Don’t Mean Can’t
Dream Riders of Kentucky
Epilepsy Foundation
First Steps
Focus Fidget
Free Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Green River Area Development District
Green River Area Down Syndrome Association
GRITS Transportation
Growing Minds Learning Center/CLik
Hands and Voices
Hopebridge Autism Therapy
Humana Caresource
Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation
Kentucky Autism Training Center
Kentucky Family to Family Health Information Center
Kentucky Office for the Blind
Kentucky Partnership for Families and Children
Kentucky Rehabilitation Association
Kentucky School for the Blind
Kentucky School for the Deaf
Kentucky SPIN
Lauren Miller, Licensed Massage Therapist
Lighthouse Counseling Services
Musick Studios
National Federation for the Blind
National Seating and Mobility
New Beginnings
Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Owensboro Autism Network
Owensboro Christian Church Special Connections
Owensboro Dance Theatre
Owensboro Healthpark
Owensboro Police Department
Puzzle Pieces
Rehabilitation Performance Institute
River Valley Behavioral Health
Sandefur Center
Say it Southern Monograms and More
Simply Therapy/Play Smart Preschool
Special Olympics of Daviess County
Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky
Strategic Partnerships Supported Employment
Sunrise Children’s Services
Superior Van & Mobility
Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired (SAVI)
Thrivent Financial
University of Kentucky Human Development Institute Project Cheer
Visually Impaired Preschool Services
VSA Kentucky
Yussman Special Needs Law
Wendell Foster