Having a baby and becoming a new parent can be daunting. Luckily, Owensboro Health's new Pregnancy Wellness Class is a great way to learn about how to navigate pregnancy. In this free class, you'll meet with wellness experts who will guide you and teach you about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, to give you the tools to be the best parent you can be. Here's how to register.
Many attended the "stay in your vehicle drive-thru prayer vigil" that was held on Tuesday afternoon at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. All to support our health care workers and hospital patients.
The Owls (Owensboro Women Living Socially) group are hosting a 'stay in your vehicle drive-thru prayer vigil' on Tuesday afternoon. It's a small way to support doctors, nurses, hospital staff and patients during this difficult time.
Cookouts aren't just for burgers, hot dogs, baked beans & chips! Ripe, juicy vegetables deserve a spot on the picnic table too. Owensboro Health is teaching us how to cook up delicious, healthy dinners for the entire family!
We received news from the Owensboro Police Department that yesterday around 12:30 a.m. OPD officers were called to the 900 block of Walnut Street to investigate a reported stabbing.
Last week I read some great news that I wish was offered when my Mom and Dad both had cancer and made many trips to the emergency room. The admissions process and waiting for a room is miserable. Owensboro Health Regional Hospital is making it easier!
I’ve always been told to never diagnose myself using the internet, but I do it all the time as I’m sure you do too. Owensboro Health has given us the tools to make it easier with valuable information and a team of doctors to help with our specific concerns! No need to search the web any more!