I don't know about you and your friend group, but there have been times when we have chatted about how awesome it would be if we could all live together somewhere or be neighbors.

It's something folks think about when they dream of winning the lottery. Buying up some land and building houses for each of their friends or family members. Where all of the kids can play, dinners could be potlucks, everyone could chip in on yardwork or home repairs, and weekends could be spent outside at bonfire or pool parties. Sounds pretty perfect right?

Maybe I have seen too many scary movies, but the first thought that crossed my mind was that it would also come in handy if there was ever a zombie apocalypse!

If the thought has ever crossed your mind, there is a compound for sale at 4830 Highway 18 S, Hickory Valley, TN 38042 with three houses surrounded by trees and plenty of room for whatever shenanigans you and your crew might get into. About an hour west of Memphis, so you could still visit the big city any time you wanted.

Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC
Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC

While it isn't this biggest, this house is my favorite on the property. It's beautifully symmetrical with the wrap around front porch. I'd have to add a rocking chair or maybe a swing. When the weather is nice, you wouldn't be able to pry me away!

Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC
Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC

House number two is the biggest and also has a nice front porch and a garage on the left. The door to what seems to be the mudroom would also be convenient to clean up after spending time in the dirt.

Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC
Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC

This third house is nice, but the smallest of the group. It's nice and cozy inside! Maybe you could all draw straws to determine who got first pick of the homes?

Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC
Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC

I think my favorite part is that the property must feel secluded and peaceful with the wooded area all around. With 42.5 acres of land and a scenic pond, I'm sure there is plenty of wildlife to watch with your morning coffee.  No neighbors to disturb if you ever want to throw a big ole party too!

Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC
Brennan Bowling with Fayette Realty, LLC

Here is the link to more pictures if you want to see inside the houses. What do you think? Would you live here with your besties? I know I would!

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Gallery Credit: Amanda Silvestri

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