Trunnells's Farm Market is gearing up for a new season of the Family Fun Acre, which is home to the Giant Corn Maze.  This year, that maze has a brand new theme.  It's Be A Hero and there will be really fun challenges in the maze that encourage you to find your super power.  Take a look at this year's design!

Trunnell's Farm Market
Trunnell's Farm Market

Trunnell's Family Fun Acre opens for the season on Saturday, September 7th.  And, of course, the maze will have two different levels- the mini maze for kids and the giant maze for both kids and adults.

If history has taught me anything, I may need to stick with the mini maze.  LOL!  A couple of times, over the last few years, I have gotten quite lost in the giant maze.  At one point I was convinced that I was going to need the National Guard to fly in rations.  But patience and a good sense of direction (and desperation) prevailed.

For more information about Trunnell's Family Fun Acre, CLICK HERE!  Plus, stay tuned to WBKR.  We'll be broadcasting live from Trunnell's every Friday through the final week of October!

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