Before we go any further, I'd like to break down exactly what "UFO" means and how you can use the term more liberally than you might think.

And yes, I'm aware that you probably already know that U.F.O. stands for "unidentified flying object." But if anyone gets any flak for "throwing the term around," we need to recognize that that's a pretty BROAD term. I could spot a flying animal and, while it's more than likely going to be a bird, I can call it a UFO if I can't...wait for it...IDENTIFY it.

Get it? I thought you might.

So yes, I'm calling this a UFO because I cannot personally identify what it is. Neither can the folks in the comment section of this post...with certainty, that is. I was almost ready to call it an AI creation, but I noticed someone else got a picture of it as well:

I heard a suggestion that that might be a sundog, but I'm not so sure after seeing one in an image posted in Alaska:

And the official definition of a sundog from backs up the latter image much more than the former:

A sundog is a concentrated patch of sunlight that is occasionally seen to the right or the left of the sun or even on both sides of our star in the sky simultaneously.

So now, we're back to square one with the unusual image from Kentucky. I scrolled down through all the comments--many of them conspiracy theories--until I found a couple that make sense to me:

Betty Neat -- Fallstreak hole is a large gap, usually circular or elliptical, that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. They are caused by supercooled water in the clouds suddenly evaporating or freezing.

Lisa Ann -- The ring shape forms when cold air sinks in the middle and warm air rises. *that is, if it's not man made from a vehicle or fire etc.

I like that first definition, but I found an image share by Canadian meteorologist Ashley Brauweiler, and, once again, I'm not sure:

So here we are, once again paying a visit to square one, which is where I plan to hang out until further notice. SOMEBODY knows what that thing is. I think it's weather-related but have no idea, really.

But I seriously doubt it's a close encounter of any kind.

LOOK: The states with the most UFO sightings

For each state, we’ve also included details of famous UFO sightings in that state. Of note is that almost three-quarters of all UFO sighting reports in the United States occur between 4 p.m. and midnight, and tend to peak between 9 and 10 p.m. Food for thought next time you're out scoping for alien life. Keep reading to see which states have had the most UFO sightings.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Caldwell & Matt Albasi

READ ON: Weird, wild UFO sightings from throughout history

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