We've come long way, baby. (Forgive the bad pun.) But we really have. As an alumnus of Western Kentucky University who resided in dorms all eight semesters--mostly smoke-filled ones--I can and do applaud the move.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not vilifying smokers, here. Not at all.

But I'm not a smoker and I had to deal with smoke-filled air just about everywhere I went on campus back in the day.

Of course, smoking inside the campus buildings went by the wayside a long time ago, but now we're talking about eliminating it completely from the entire campus.

Effective January 1st, 2020, WKU will become a tobacco-free, smoke-free campus.

The policy will prohibit the use of all tobacco and vaping products on every property that is "owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by Western Kentucky University.

Additionally, the university will have in place resources for anyone on campus or anyone who is part of the campus community who wants to quit smoking or stop using tobacco products.

WKU says it will also continue to expand its ongoing cessation programs.

Western has set up a tobacco-free website containing all the information one might need regarding those programs as well as a comprehensive explanation of the policy and info about tobacco-free events.


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